How'd we Get here?

For close to 20 years, Central Church was working toward a new building. Despite the ample space and ministry opportunity, the design of the building and many additions through the years created a number of structural issues that compounded through the years. In 2020, that was finally accomplished. we finally had a new space that was cost effective to maintain and operate. However, the new building also created new challenges that would need to be overcome.

A Future Vision, an Ancient Mission

In Matthew 28, Jesus gave his followers their mission. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. This is known as The Great Commission. This is the guiding principle of Central Church of Christ because we believe that the ways of Jesus are the best possible ways to guide our lives. 

We believe that our mission to accomplish this is by being a church that is FOR children and families across Portsmouth and all of Scioto County.  In order to accomplish this, now and in the future, we know that more space for our children's ministry is desperately needed. Due to budget constraints placed on us by the loan on our new building, a permanent addition is out of the question for the time being. This is why our campaign focuses on these two areas of need: temporary children's space and debt reduction. 

We believe that with these two things we will be well positioned to continue to reach the lost and broken of our area for years to come. 

What we Need

In order to accomplish our mission, we have set a target goal of $100,000. While that sounds daunting, we believe we can accomplish that and more in two ways:

1. The first is by 25-month pledge. Pledges are a commitment to give above and beyond the normal giving that a person gives. We believe that everyone who calls Central Church home and believes in the mission that we are on should make a pledge. This pledge should prayerfully be between yourself and God. For every 10 dollars per month committed, $250 dollars goes toward our goal. 

2. On Commitment Sunday, we are asking everyone to give the largest single donation that they have ever given to a church. That is a big ask, but we believe in the mission we are on. This will allow us to have immediate funds to be able to address the critical need for more children's space. 


We hope that everyone will join us on Sunday, May 5th at 10:30A. This is our commitment Sunday. On that week we will be taking everyone's pledges and gifts for this campaign. Then on May 12th, we will celebrate the way that God has provided. 

If you cannot make it that morning but would like to support this mission, please contact to get more information about how to do that. 

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